Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Now I Understand

It was hard for me to really understand God's love before I became a mom. There's just no way to explain the love a parent has for a child.It's a love for which there are no words. The Bible calls God's love "agape" love, which loosely translates from Greek to mean unconditional love.  It means SO much more than that though!

From the moment I saw my son, my understanding of love just exploded! There's no way to capture the way my heart swelled with a love so heavy and pure that my heart nearly burst with the weight of it all.  Then I understood, for the first time, the love God has for us and why we call him Abba, Father.

[Abba is a term used in The Bible that means father, but it's really "Daddy." It's more intimate than father.]

Perhaps part of the reason children are, according to scripture, our greatest blessing, is because they reveal to us the true love of God, our Abba.  They show us the love he has for us in a way we can't even begin to understand without them.

A prayer for today:
Lord, I am so grateful for the blessing of motherhood and the blessing of my son.  Most of all Father, I am thankful for your love!

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